The 2024 Build Season Has Completed. Please check the Season Updates Page for updates on Post Season Events

Day #42 & #43 3/18 and 3/19

The Team returned from Rochester to make a few mechanical updates to their robot. They reinforced the front end and added a network switch to ensure the use of their vision code. They prepare to leave for Hofstra tomorrow for the Long Island Regional.

Day #41 – 3/16/24

The team finished qualifying 1-2 in their last 3 matches. They played an amazing second match of the day, teaming up with the Center Moriches School District to win a match they were predicted to lose. Excellent work team.

Day #40 – 3/15/24

The team finished the day 2-4 and competed against tough competition in every match. The team locked down their 2 note auto and learned how to drive their cycles across the field through heavy traffic.

Day #39 – 3/14/24

The group joined 53 other teams from across the world. The team passed inspection, competed in practice matches and enjoyed interacting with opposing team members and mentors to solve challenging STEM tasks.

Day #38 – 3/13/24

The team made the drive up to Rochester for the 2024 Finger Lakes Regional Hosted by Rochester Institute of Technology. The team setup their pit and got ready for the next few days of competition.

Day #37 – 3/12/24

The team cleaned up a few last items on the robot and then began packing. They leave for Rochester in the morning to go compete at the Finger Lakes Regional Competition.

Day #36 – 3/11/24

The team continued testing values for their absolute encoders and working on a little driving practice and buttoning up the last few pieces of their bot as they prepare to leave for Rochester!

Day #35 – 3/8/24

With a broken Power Distribution Hub evident, the electronics team jumped into action, rewiring the board and cleaning up the robot wiring to see how they can fix some of the brownout issues the team was having.

Day #34 – 3/7/24

Our Drive team practiced their cycles to the amp and speaker from the source. The team continues to make improvements to their robot as they closer to leave on Wednesday for the Finger Lakes Regional.

Day #33 – 3/6/24

The drive team practiced their cycles from the source to the amp. The programmers worked on auto and making sure the code was in working fashion for competition.

Day #32 – 3/5/24

Our programmers logged just over 6 hours today, working on autonomous testing routines. The robot is close to locking down some impressive autonomous routines.

Day #31 – 3/4/24

The team setup their field section near on the stage for a more permanent testing location. The team continued testing their programming and testing shot angles using april tags.

Day #30 – 3/2/24

The team continues to put the work in. This Saturday meeting members put close to 10 hours in on their robot. They worked hard to program the robot and our build team finished the first part of our pit setup for competition.

Day #29 – 3/1/24

The team started off March strong by continuing to test and improve upon their robot. They worked hard to improve their robot while adding form and function to the design and code.

Day #28 – 2/29/24

Today’s Video is a Big one, Programmers got full control of the robot and began testing our pickup and shot sequence. The robot is looking good, now we practice, perfect and continue to get faster.

Day #27 – 2/28/24

The team finalized some design and robustness elements. Programmers took control and began testing in the final minutes of the meeting. The build team will begin working on climbing up the chain now.

Day #26 – 2/27/24

The team continued development of their robot and tested new ideas to improve power to the launcher. Programmers worked on autonomous command testing.

Day #25 – 2/26/24

The team came back after a restful Winter Break and began work making the ground pickup more adjustable as well as working to different shot speed and shot motor setups.

Winter Break 2/17/24 – 2/25/24

Day #24 – 2/15/24

With Programmers getting their first shot at the robot, the team begins looking at how all the mechanisms play together and how the team will need to make small changes for seamless transition from pickup to launch.

Day #23 – 2/14/24

The team cut out the sidewalls of their pickup mechanism on the laser cutter and finalized design elements. The team tested the pickup mechanism.

Day #22 – 2/12/24

The floor pickup mechanism is now on the robot. Ready to be wired and tested next meeting. The team tests intake from the source.

Day #21 – 2/8/24

Team 564 finally tested their shooter and began debugging a CAN wire issue they were experiencing. From their last meeting they fixed the ability to change shot angle.

Day #20 – 2/7/24

The team began testing/debugging the launcher being connected to the robot under power.

Day #19 – 2/6/24

Progress continues on developing the 2024 robot. The team works to attach the launcher to the robot and work finally begins on our ground pickup mechanism.

Day #18 – 2/5/24

The team began mounting their Note Launcher onto the robot chassis. The drive train got an update with Neo’s to replace the CIM motors.

Day #17 – 2/2/24

Progress continues on the robot. Mechanics finalize their designs and programmers work on autonomous movements of the robot.

Day #16 – 2/1/24

Bumper construction continues, our launcher takes shape and our programmers continue testing PID controls and autonomous commands of the wheels.

Day #15 – 1/31/24

Mounting onto the robot chassis has begun! Also testing with the Neo Brushless Motors for use with the rotation of our launch angle continues.

Day #14 – 1/30/24

More testing of the launcher. Bumper construction begins! Conversation about next steps for Programming and more!

Day #13 – 1/29/24

Programmers worked on PID Tuning each individual wheel in our drive system. Mechanics continued developing a way to launch notes.

Day #12 – 1/26/24

PID Tuning is progressing along with autonomous driving. The Team continues testing launching the note towards the speaker opening.

Day #11 – 1/25/24

Students get the robot moving! Work continues on our final launcher design and programmers work on reprogramming radios.

Day #10 – 1/24/24

Students worked on building more field elements, and powering on this years robot!

Day #9 – 1/23/24

PID Tuning, Speaker construction and shot testing!

Day #8 – 1/18/2024

Team members continued work on their designs. Electronics began wiring the robot with the goal to turn on power as early as next week! Our Business Team interviews the team about what they are up to!

Day #7 – 1/17/2024

Ideas for the launcher and pickup devices reached testing and final prototype modifications began. Programmers worked on April Tag testing with a second group pivoting to PID tuning. We also had students work on the wiring the battery and breaker to the robot.

Day #6 – 1/16/2024

Programmers worked to test driving to an april tag. The team worked to continue development of the chassis, launcher and pickup devices.

Day #5 – 1/12/2024

Mechanics continued testing and first tests with shooting the Note towards the speaker were achieved. Students worked on improving their pickup mechanism as well.

Day #4 – 1/11/2024

Mechanics worked to prototype and even begin testing their ideas. The Mecanum drive train was complete and programmers worked on both april tag testing and path planner testing.

Day #3 – 1/10/2024

The Team broke into subgroups and began working on prototyping their pickup mechanisms and note delivery systems. Programmers worked on reimaging the RoboRio and testing old robots with AprilTags.


Day #2 – 1/9/2024

Programmers worked on software updates for 2024. Mechanics worked to assemble our Mecanum chassis for this years robot. Electronics, pneumatics and mechanics worked in OnShape to develop prototypes.

Day #1 – 1/8/2024

Team meetings to discuss design ideas for robot. Build prototype testing ideas presented by team members. Competition and Robot rules discusses. Rules quiz completed.